Thursday, October 3, 2013

Preparing Heart & Home for Baby #2

Willie FINALLY! got to complete his first solo cross country at school. This is a pretty big deal for us. For those of you that aren't familiar with what that means, it is basically a  long flight with multiple airports involved. Solo, means that Willie flew by himself. 

We are really shooting for him to complete his private pilot certification before our little girl comes.... but this past week of weather was giving us a run for our money. 

Poor Willie was scheduled almost everyday for the first flight of the day. That meant he had to get up at 4am and leave by 4:30 to make it to school by 5 to preflight the plane - on the off chance that the weather would clear up and he could fly... and it didn't happen, for a whole week.

 So, he finally got that one out of the way, 
and 2 more flights done yesterday!

The weather is looking good for the next week, so hopefully he will be able to make up for lost time. The next big flight coming up is his night cross country. That one will be with his instructor, but will be the first time he has flown at night time. 

As for me :) 

I'm just starting to feel like 
"I'm ready" for her to come.
I am SO happy it's fall. 

It's good for my soul. 

It's cool in the house and I've been cooking my butt off getting freezer meals ready for Baby Sister's arrival. 
2 weeks of meals so far. I'll probably do one more weeks worth (unless she comes first!) 

I discovered last night at the grocery store that Eggnog is here for the season!!
(I've had 48 ounces in less than 24 hours :D)
I can't figure out why they only sell it in half gallons. 

I had my first pumpkin spice latte and 
piece of pumpkin pie, 
and have 2 pie crusts waiting to be filled.

We have all the baby stuff washed and ready to go.
It's fun having *pink* stuff for a change :)

Her car seat is ready to go in the van.

I've been having some little contractions the past few days. Even though I know it's nothing "serious" yet,
 it's still pretty exciting when they happen :) 

Trying to slow down a bit and get some rest. 

Spend some quality alone time with Owen. 
He's got a big change coming around the corner.
Not going to be the "one and only" anymore.
bitter sweet

I'm trying to figure out who I am as a mom. 
Been meditating on these verses to try and clear out all the clutter in my head of what I think motherhood should be like...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding,
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your path straight."  
-Proverbs 3:5-6

"do not be conformed to this world, 
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
so that you may prove what the will of God is,
that which is good and acceptable and perfect"
-Romans 12:2

I'm thankful for the promise of transformation 
that comes through renewing my mind in what God says and letting everything else fall to the side.
For we know that everything we can see will pass away,
but the Word of the Lord endures forever.  
His word is truth,
and what I put my hope in.

Overall, I'm feeling at peace 
as we wait to welcome home our new child.

(if you made it this far with no pictures 
thank you! and I'm proud of you!!
wish I had some to share at this time)