(pun intended :P)
Seems like only a few weeks ago we just bought a camper and we're living at Mission Aviation Fellowship's RV lot in Nampa ID.
So, what ever did happen to our little camper home? And where in the world are we living now?
We moved in the camper and I was "in love" :)
Willie did some renovations to make it more fitting for our family.
(**I'll have to share pictures of that later because I don't have them with me right now.**)
After 3 short months in our new home we found out God's next step for us
would NOT involve having a camper :(
It would also NOT involve us joining MAF,
NOR staying in Idaho any longer.
So, we gave away most of our stuff.
Packed what we could in the back of our Minivan.
Covered up our first little home
and parked it safely in the back of MAF.
Where she still sits today.
(^ she's for sale if you're interested!...we won't need it where we are going, that's for sure lol)
We hopped in the van and moved ... again.
We decided to partner with a ministry in Alaska called Tanalian Bible Camp. You can read more about the camp in our tab at the top of the blog appropriately titled "Tanalian Bible Camp".
We hope to be in Alaska by the end of February ... ish.
In the mean time, we are trying to build a team of people who will pray for us, give financially, and serve with us on trips to Alaska. If you'd like to get our personal prayer letter on how to pray for us more specifically you can sign up for it on the side bar of this blog.
We left Idaho and drove to Wisconsin.
A few weeks later we drove from Wisconsin down to the Low Country.
We are currently in South Carolina and will be visiting Georgia and Florida soon before heading back to Wisconsin and finally ..... Alaska!
Let us know if you'd like to hear more about the opportunities in Alaska or if you'd like us to share at your Sunday school class, small group, or Bible study!
It's been a LONG road to get to this point and it feels great to know what the next step is! Thanks for sharing in this journey with us. Our prayer is that by sharing this, it encourages you in your walk with God.
"that we may be mutually encouraged by each others' faith, both yours and mine"
-Romans 1:12
We would love to be on your list!! You can send it to the Mark and Heidi Blomberg 112 N. Pilatus Lane, Nampa, ID 83647. We really miss you guys! After Sunday's game, Eli's response was...I feel bad for Owen. :) Would love to talk with you!