Monday, January 30, 2012

Moving Time

Lots of changes are in the making as I sit to write this post. The next BIG move we are making as a family is to move from Wisconsin to Washington (state) for Willie to go back to school to become a missionary Pilot. 

One big move with lots of little details.
This hangs on the wall in the hallway to remind us of all the little steps toward our next big step.

It Reads:

Finish Confirmation packet (Paperwork Willie had to do to move forward with enrolling)
- Pack up house
- Move to Nickols' (we will live with Willie's family until we actually move to WA)
- Support Contact List 
- First Support Letter
- Save Money (don't know if we will ever mark this one off :P)
- Ask churches for place to stay (i.e. see if there is anyone in the body that knows of a place that would work well for our growing family)
File Taxes (WOO HOO! so happy this is done. When we get the money back we will be Debt free!!!)
- Pay off final debt! :)
- Clean Apartment for move out
- Find place to stay in Spokane
- Decide on transportation to Spokane (plane, car, both???)
- Raise first semester fees
- Insurance (car & health)
* - Go to SC for a visit
- Find a job in Spokane
- Start Blog (and so you read )
- repair holes in walls
* - Get/Send professional pic of Owen/family to Nickols in OH
- Forward mailing address
- Get pellets for basement (to heat the basement at Willie's parents house)

Its quite the list now, but we are slowly getting it done.
I'll update as progress is made.